A Dua for Tawfiq, love for the Poor & protection from fitnah – Musallah Rahmaniyyah, Cannon Av

A Dua for Tawfiq, love for the Poor & protection from fitnah - Musallah Rahmaniyyah, Cannon Av

Zikr Majlis, at Musallah Rahmaniyyah, Cannon Ave on July 25, 2024

Nabi-Kareem Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam taught the Ummah a beautiful Du’a seeking 4 things:
Allahumma innee as’aluka fi’la-lkhayrati, wa tarka-l munkarati, wa hubba-l masaakeen, wa-itha aradta fitnata qawmi fatawaffanee ghayra maftoon

In this Du’a, he supplicates, “O Allah, I ask of You the ability to do good deeds”, as the performance of good deeds is only by the Tawfiq of Allah, so one should keep asking for it. Divine Inspiration is sent regularly to the Believers, and is a special guest which will go elsewhere if ignored, so fully embrace it! Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam then supplicates for the ability to leave out bad deeds as the Tawfiq to abstain from the prohibited is also only from Allah Ta’ala. He then supplicates, “O Allah, I ask of You love for the poor”, as they will enter Jannah before the wealthy by 500 years, and they will intercede on behalf of those who rendered assistance to them. ?One should never have an attitude of superiority towards the poor or degrade them, but should ensure to honour and be kind, sympathetic and generous towards them, Finally, Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam supplicates, “When You wish to test a people, bring me to You without being tried”. These days, it feels as if the sun rises daily with many new fitan. It is better for a Believer to be removed from this world, especially when the storms and waves of fitan become overwhelming, rather than being caught up and risking the destruction of one’s Deen and Akhirah.

Naat - Hfz M Dhooma: 00:05
Main: 00:22
Salaat and Salaam: 00:04
Zikr: 00:04
Dua: 00:06

Tags: ability, Akhirah, Allah, bad, believers, deeds, deen, destruction, divine, dua, fitnah, generous, good, honour, inspiration, jannah, kind, Nabi, overwhelming, poor, prohibited, protection, sins, storms, superiority, sympathetic, taught, tawfiq. love, waves

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Zikr  |  25-06-2024  |  Musallah Rahmaniyyah, Cannon Av

Nabi-Kareem Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam taught the Ummah a beautiful Du’a seeking 4 things:
Allahumma innee as’aluka fi’la-lkhayrati, wa tarka-l munkarati, wa hubba-l masaakeen, wa-itha aradta fitnata qawmi fatawaffanee ghayra maftoon

In this Du’a, he supplicates, “O Allah, I ask of You the ability to do good deeds”, as the performance of good deeds is only by the Tawfiq of Allah, so one should keep asking for it. Divine Inspiration is sent regularly to the Believers, and is a special guest which will go elsewhere if ignored, so fully embrace it! Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam then supplicates for the ability to leave out bad deeds as the Tawfiq to abstain from the prohibited is also only from Allah Ta’ala. He then supplicates, “O Allah, I ask of You love for the poor”, as they will enter Jannah before the wealthy by 500 years, and they will intercede on behalf of those who rendered assistance to them. ⁠One should never have an attitude of superiority towards the poor or degrade them, but should ensure to honour and be kind, sympathetic and generous towards them, Finally, Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam supplicates, “When You wish to test a people, bring me to You without being tried”. These days, it feels as if the sun rises daily with many new fitan. It is better for a Believer to be removed from this world, especially when the storms and waves of fitan become overwhelming, rather than being caught up and risking the destruction of one’s Deen and Akhirah.