Gratitude - Lessons from the People of Saba - Stanger Jamia Masjid
Jumuah, at Stanger on July 19, 2024
In Surah Saba’ (22nd Juz), Allah Ta’ala describes the immense bounties He bestowed upon the people of Saba’ who were from Ma'arib in Yemen. They enjoyed immense favours of Allah - perfect climate, fertile lands, sweet waters, lush areas, dams and canals and rows of orchards with delicious varieties of fruits. They were exhorted by the various Ambiya (AS) sent to them to appreciate these favours through obedience and righteousness. However, they did not appreciate these favours, but turned away in ingratitude, so punishment was unleashed upon them in the form of rats which ate the foundations of the dam walls causing them to collapse, and all was destroyed. The messages of Qur’an are for people of intelligence to ponder upon and take admonition from, in order to avoid the mistakes of the nations of the past. The favours of Allah are a test of loyalty for the Believers. Adopt an attitude of gratitude for all the physical and spiritual bounties being enjoyed and live as obedient slaves of Allah to preserve and increase these bounties.
Duration: 00:27
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Jumuah | 19-07-2024 | Stanger Jamia Masjid
In Surah Saba’ (22nd Juz), Allah Ta’ala describes the immense bounties He bestowed upon the people of Saba’ who were from Ma’arib in Yemen. They enjoyed immense favours of Allah – perfect climate, fertile lands, sweet waters, lush areas, dams and canals and rows of orchards with delicious varieties of fruits. They were exhorted by the various Ambiya (AS) sent to them to appreciate these favours through obedience and righteousness. However, they did not appreciate these favours, but turned away in ingratitude, so punishment was unleashed upon them in the form of rats which ate the foundations of the dam walls causing them to collapse, and all was destroyed. The messages of Qur’an are for people of intelligence to ponder upon and take admonition from, in order to avoid the mistakes of the nations of the past. The favours of Allah are a test of loyalty for the Believers. Adopt an attitude of gratitude for all the physical and spiritual bounties being enjoyed and live as obedient slaves of Allah to preserve and increase these bounties.